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I love movies. I've loved them my whole life. I love watching them, reading about them, reading books I dream of seeing made into movies. I've spent my whole life dreaming of writing and making a movie. I have friends who have worked on and been in movies. One friend worked on Titanic, Fast and the Furious and Scorpion King among others. Another wrote and directed many of your favorite episodes of Sponge Bob in the early throughout the first 100 episodes. I just never saw myself taking that leap and went in my own direction to work using my skills in different areas. But I still love movies.

I also hate writing alone. You know all the excuses of a closet writer who is always like "but if I only had," "this would be easier if..." etc. So sure, I have a dozen or more good ideas, and a few partially started scripts, but...yeah.

I have a background in creative writing and English literature and a Masters in Theater Criticism. I've had this idea for along time of helping people with their ideas and giving away some of my ideas. Thus the birth of Script Nemesis.

My nine year old son has been hocking me to write movies, and comes up with ideas all the time because no one has ever stomped on his dreams or told him to get serious. He has grown up listening to Harry Potter and watching the movies. Almost his every breath is some idea for a movie, book or television series.

So here at Script Nemesis my goal is to either provide you all with a thousand starter ideas or help you with your scripts and ideas to get them where they need to go. We've all seen bad movies and said "How the hell did this get made?" It is time for us to fine tune our great ideas so that they can be seen to in order to someday be seen on the big screen.

Thank you so much for visiting our site and considering Script Nemesis as your home for script doctoring.

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